Press release archive

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Press Release / 4 October 2024

University of Edinburgh 

Remote UK regions linked to heightened genetic disease risk

People from isolated parts of the UK could have variations in their genetic code that increase their chance of developing certain diseases, a study suggests


Press Release / 16 March 2023

University of Edinburgh and University of Aberdeen

Research reveals Orkney cancer gene link - now testing to take place

One in 100 people who have grandparents from Orkney have a gene variant that causes a higher risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer, a study has found


Press Release / 08 May 2022

Viking Genes

Hebridean study to explore disease and genes link

People with at least two grandparents from the Hebrides are being asked to take part in a major genetic study


Press Release / 08 March 2021

NHS Grampian

Call for Volunteers with Northern Isles ancestry for genetic study

Researchers are looking to speak to people from North-east Scotland, with grandparents from the Northern Isles as part of a major genetic study


Press Release / 18 January 2020

University of Edinburgh

Volunteers with Northern Isles ancestry needed for genetic study

Four thousand people with at least two grandparents who were born in either Orkney or Shetland are being asked to part in a research project that aims to better understand the causes of conditions such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, cancer and others