Need to contact someone? Find details here of the best people to ask about your question. I have moved/my contact details have changed, how do I update my information? In order for you to receive your saliva kit and any information regarding future projects, it’s essential that we hold your up to date information. To change any of this information, please contact us. Details can be found in the link below: Contact Us I haven’t heard from you when I expected to, what should I do? If you haven't heard from us, when you expected to, you can reach us using the details on the webpage below: Contact Us What if I change my mind and want to withdraw? It’s important, before you join the study, that you discuss any concerns you have with a member of the study team. Our research is more valuable if few people choose to withdraw from the study. However, you can withdraw at any time without giving a reason. To withdraw you can contact us and let us know what type of withdrawal you would like to have: ‘’No further contact’’: This means we’d no longer contact you with study updates or requests to join future studies. However, we’d still have permission from you to use the information and sample you previously provided. We’d also still be able to receive information from your health records. We will also follow this guideline if you lose capacity to consent. ‘’No further use’’: In addition to ‘’no further contact,’’ we’d no longer make your data or samples available for research. Please note, we won’t be able to remove results from research already performed or those currently being performed. We’ll ensure that your data and samples are no longer available for future research. Details on how to contact us can be found in the link below: Contact Us What if I have a complaint about the use of my data? If you would like to complain about our handling of your data, you can contact the University’s Data Protection Officer via email at or write to Data Protection Officer, Governance and Strategic Planning, The University of Edinburgh, Old College Edinburgh EH8 9YL Scotland What if I would like independent advice about genetic results? Prof. Zosia Miedzybrodzka has agreed to be the independent genetic advisor of the study. Zosia will be able to answer any specific questions about genetics in VIKING II that you may have. You can contact Zosia using her details below: Email: Prof. Zosia Miedzybrodzka, Medical Genetics Group, University of Aberdeen, Polwarth Building, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZD, Scotland What if I would like independent advice or to make a complaint? If you would like to speak to someone about the study who is not part of the research team, please contact Prof. Sarah Wild on 0131 651 1630 or email If, after discussing any issues with the research team, you wish to make a formal complaint about the study, please contact the University of Edinburgh’s Research Governance team via email at: I can’t find the answer to my question. Who do I contact for more information? It’s important to us that you have all the information you need before you join the study. If you can’t find the answer to your query here, you can contact us. Details can be found in the link below: Contact Us This article was published on 2024-01-25